
Yellow and orange.

The wall in Xi'an. it looked to expansive, we rode around it at high noon, it was hot and dusty there.

Swirling ribbon fans to keep the flies away.

Muslim quarter is Xi'an. It was also very bright. It rained that night, and we ran around in it. It was very warm. Julianne haggled for some sunglasses, we rode bikes all around, and I destroyed my blue sneakers.

All kinds of things ride on the road, or are pulled, carts and little three-wheeled trucks. donkeys.

More out the bus window.

A house on the way to Tunxi, we passed so many villages that were just falling in.

Riding the cable car the rest of the way after a long hike. We rose to the very top of the mountains, in disbelief.

This street was very lit up, and I remember it had something to do with ghosts.

The Mountains.

Driving to the mountains. these houses look like toys to me.

OH MAN ONE OF THE BEST MEALS OF MY LIFE. At a place called the Grandma's in Shanghai, in a shopping mall. This was a carp's head in spicy broth with noodles and a sort of spicy salsa like thing on top.

The water-town. It was really really old and crumbling, as I said before.

Fruit stand. Very, very bright and shiny.

I don't really know.

Beautiful neon signage.

I just really like giant loads being carried on small vehicles.

Inside. (they were delicious and filled with sesame)


Inside a noodle shop. Oh, they were so good.

We got intense foot massages. one hour for about 7 dollars US. Apparently, one of the only jobs the government will let you have if you are blind, is to be a masseuse.

These fans were everywhere overhead.

Shanghai, and Julianne's hair bow.

The train to Osaka, that we really almost missed. These are some of my last looks at Japan. I guess it is very appropriate that they were rice paddies.

After lots of yakitori. I ate heart, and tongue and fried quail's eggs that night. We had some neighbors wearing orange jump suits that were friendly and entertaining.

delicious, and beautiful! Grilled onigiri. (sp?)

the weird clock in a flower bed in the park near to Julianne's apartment.
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