Friday, November 21, 2008

no what you want it to be, what it is

if you suspend something in space can you also suspend it in time?

bags of water suspended in a doorway, if this create such a specific, distorted image, along with the meaning of water that usually moves, measures time and motion...a snapshot of something in time/motion distorted by the trapping of time and motion.

today the snow looked like a recycled, sifting, maybe vibrating curtain, like everything was coming up from the ground, down from the sky, meeting in the middle and hovering there

it's not just old, it's really weird.

i wrote this down thinking it would lead me back to a train of thought but it didn't. where did those things end up?

i feel this constant pull of push (dissatisfaction) really never satiated by one decision or another
balancing the mind with everything else?

ah I think I remember, whirlwind art history talk, artists like Manet that I never really looked back to but I'm starting to want to brush up on all that picnic with the giant woman in the background, all of this information is more valuable than I counted it for. I think I'm going to get my old books out again, plus I have to place myself within the context of other artists for class.

1 comment:

sleepy said...

This is beautiful and so are you, Fwippee. You're on the right track.